Choosing your lodging wisely means you can stay on streets like this in Rome

Plan Your Lodging Wisely

If you plan your lodging wisely, you’ll save money and have a more enjoyable trip.  Although it’s entirely possible to spend crazy amounts of money to stay in places, it isn’t necessary.  People sometimes spend a thousand dollars a night—or more—to stay in some hotels and resorts.  If you see places like that and think […]

Get There for Less–Saving Money on Airfare

Saving money on airfare is critical.  If you’re trying to travel as inexpensively as possible, and of course that’s the whole point of this site, we have to address the 800 pound gorilla—airfares. Especially with international travel, airfare can be the largest component of your trip expenses.  Round trip tickets to Europe can top $2000 […]

Young girl pushing a sailboat with a stick in Paris. When you research your destination, you can find things to do with your kids.

Research Your Destination

Hooray!  You’ve decided where you’re going on your affordable family trip.  Now the fun begins.  Researching your destination has multiple benefits, not the least of which is giving you more time to think about your trip.  A really interesting study in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life found that vacationers were happier than […]

Choose Wisely When Deciding When and Where to Travel

When you’re planning a trip, choosing when and where to travel are the most important decisions you’ll make.  They will determine every future decision about the trip.  No pressure! Sometimes the decision is easy.  Several years ago, when we took the kids to Disney World and Disneyland, we didn’t really have to make the choice.  […]

The Pillars of Affordable Family Travel

If you want to travel affordably, the more tools you have in your toolbox the better.  Here are my 10 pillars of affordable family travel.  Give each one their appropriate attention, and you’re almost guaranteed a great, reasonably priced trip.  We’ll explore each of them in upcoming posts, but let’s do a quick overview now. […]